稀里糊涂  发表于 2016-1-14 12:20:53| 5516 次查看 | 7 条回复

《Hi! Fly Guy 你好,苍蝇小子!》MP3下载:

Hi! Fly Guy.zip (4.89 MB, 下载次数: 54, 售价: 1 爱币)


A fly went flying. 一个苍蝇正在飞。

He was looking for something to eat—something tasty, something slimy.


A boy went walking. 一个男孩去散步。

He was looking for something to catch—something smart, something for A Amazing Pet Show.


The boy caught the fly in a jar. 小男孩捉了这只苍蝇在瓶子里。

“A pet !”he  said  “一只宠物耶!”小男孩(兴奋到)叫道。

They met. 他们相遇了。

The fly was mad. He wanted to be free. He stomped his foot and said—BUZZ!


The boy was surprised. He said,“you know my name! You are the smartest pet in the world!” 男孩很惊讶,他叫道:“你知道我的名字!你是世界上最聪明的宠物啦!”

“This is my pet,” Buzz said to Mom and Dad. “这是我的宠物”,Buzz 和妈妈爸爸说。

Buzz opened the jar. Buzz 打开了瓶子。

The fly flew out. 苍蝇飞了出来。

“Flies can’t be pets!”said Dad. “苍蝇不可以是宠物的!”爸爸说。

“They are pests!”He got the fly swatter. “他们是害虫!”他举起了苍蝇拍。

The flies cried—buzz! 苍蝇又嗡嗡嗡叫了起来。

And Buzz came to the rescue. Buzz跑过来营救。

“You are right,” said Dad. “This fly is smart!” “你是对的。”爸爸说,“这只苍蝇确实很聪明!”

“He needs a name,”said Mom. “他需要一个名字,”妈妈说。

Buzz thought for a minute. Buzz 想了一会。

“Fly Guy, “said Buzz.“叫苍蝇小子吧”Buzz 说

And Fly Guy said—Buzz苍蝇小子又嗡嗡嗡叫。

Fly Guy was happy.苍蝇小子很开心。

Buzz took Fly Guy to The Amazing Pet Show.Buzz 带着苍蝇小子去了炫酷的宠物秀。

The judges laughed.裁判员哈哈大笑

“Flies can’t be pets,” they said.“苍蝇是不可以当做宠物的”他们说。

“Flies are pests!”“苍蝇是害虫!”

Buzz was sad.Buzz很难过

He opened the jar.他打开了瓶子。

“Shoo, Fly Guy,” he said.“嘘!苍蝇小子”他说

“Flies can’t be pets”“苍蝇不可以当做宠物”

But Fly Guy liked Buzz.但是苍蝇小子喜欢Buzz

He had an idea.他有了一个主意

He did some fancy flying.他做了一次美妙的飞行。

The judges were amazed.裁判都震惊啦。

“The fly can do tricks,” they said.“But flies can’t be pets.”


Then fly Guy said—BUZZ.苍蝇小子又嗡嗡嗡地叫了。

The judges were more amazed. 裁判更惊讶了

“The fly knows the boy’s name,” they said.“这个苍蝇(居然)知道男孩的名字”他们说

“But flies can’t be pets.” “但是苍蝇(还是)不可以当做宠物”

Fly Guy flew high,high,high,into the sky.(于是)苍蝇小子 越飞越高越飞越高,飞到了空中。

Then he dived down, down, down into the jar. 于是他又往下往下往下跳进了瓶子。

“The fly knows his jar!”the judges said,“This fly is a pet!”


So they let Fly Guy in the show. 所以他们让苍蝇小子进入了派对。

He even won an award. 他甚至得到了奖!

And so began a beautiful friendship. 于是开始了一段美妙的友谊。

wiya_2001_2001  评论于  2016-1-14 12:29:59
jensen  评论于  2017-4-24 11:09:26
謝謝分享! 很有創意的故事.
粉红兔兔1998  评论于  2017-6-13 16:11:18
粉红兔兔1998  评论于  2017-6-20 08:26:01
Guy 谢谢谢谢
爱贝宝宝  评论于  2019-7-3 10:58:08
吞苍蝇的老奶奶系列11册点读版 吞苍蝇的老奶奶系列11册点读版
吞苍蝇的老奶奶系列11册点读版 ab1.jpg

xiaolibo  评论于  2019-7-3 11:14:26
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