巴米包  发表于 2015-5-12 15:03:16| 9628 次查看 | 11 条回复
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列

它来自Usborne Children's Books,全英国最大,最领先的少儿出版社。这家出版社的“Usborne系统阅读系列”(Usborne Reading Programme)中的My Reading(儿童阅读)。是由英国著名的儿童少年阅读教育专家Alison Kelly女士监制并起草大纲而出品的。经过读者多年的千锤百炼,本系列已经发展到很多英语系国家少年儿童必选书目之一。

Usborne Publishing是英国的一家出版社,书社总部设在英国,是现今世界上最大的儿童书籍出版社之一。它的儿童部所出版的儿童青少年书籍非常出色,广受追捧。它出版各种不同类型的书籍包括小说和非小说类,并拥有多种系列书籍,其中有看图说话系列、历史系列、自然现象系列、古典新说系列、动手系列、儿童初读系列、社会生活系列、Usborne系统阅读系列等等。
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
"Usborne系统阅读系列"(Usborne Reading Programme)有200多本书,分两类共七个程度。这些书,印刷精美,书页图文并茂,色彩鲜明,内容包罗万象,程度由易至难,遁序渐进。它们并非徒有虚名,本系列两大类的读物全是由英国著名的儿童少年阅读教育专家Alison Kelly女士监制并起草大纲而出品的。而其中的非故事类书籍都是由有关专家选题后出书.。经过读者多年的千锤百炼。本系列已经发展成很多英文国家儿童少年必选书目之一。

这套Usborne  Reading 阅读系列书好在哪里?
1,与传统意义上的绘本相比,Usborne Reading Programme的设计理念更倾向于分级读物,但是比一般的分级读物要付出心血的多,所以也显得尤为精良。出版社集结众多优秀作家,聘请最富经验的儿童教育专家做长期顾问,创作出符合孩子年龄以及心理的作品。


如何阅读此套书:   家长与孩子轮流念,家长念左边的部分,孩子念右边的部分。依照书籍的编序开始,循序渐进,随着阅读书目的增加,孩子要念的部分字句也会慢慢加长。此时家长要注意,一本书到下一本书之间,给孩子足够的时间吸收与进步,反覆看同一本书不但可以增加孩子的自信心,也可以加强流畅度。
给大家看看书的内页: 最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列
最适合孩子自主阅读的丛书《Usborne Reading》系统阅读系列

1. The King's Pudding (First Reading Level Three)
2. The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (First Reading Level Three)
3. Chicken Licken (First Reading Level Three)
4. The Musicians of Bremen (First Reading Level Three)
5. The Mouse's Wedding (First Reading Level Three)
6. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (First Reading Level Three)
7. The Magic Pear Tree (First Reading Level Three)
8. The dinosaur who lost his roar (First Reading Level Three)
9. The Enormous Turnip (First Reading Level Three)
10. The Three Little Pigs (First Reading Level Three)
11. The Little Red Hen (First Reading Level Three)
12. The Gingerbread Man (First Reading Level Three)
13. The Magic Porridge Pot (First Reading Level Three)
14. The Leopard and the Sky God (First Reading Level Three)
15. The Tin Soldier (First Reading Level Four)
16. The Golden Carpet (First Reading Level Four)
17. The Runaway Pancake (First Reading Level Four)
18. The Ugly Duckling (First Reading Level Four)
19. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (First Reading Level Four)
20. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (First Reading Level Four)
21. Little Red Riding Hood (First Reading Level Four)
22. The Reluctant Dragon (First Reading Level Four)
23. The Inch Prince (First Reading Level Four)
24. The Emperor and the Nightingale (First Reading Level Four)
25. Androcles and the Lion (First Reading Level Four)
26. The Hare and the Tortoise (First Reading Level Four)
27. Baba Yaga - The Flying Witch (First Reading Level Four)
28. The Owl and the Pussy Cat (First Reading Level Four)
29. Princess Polly and the pony (First Reading Level Four)
30. Dick Whittington (First Reading Level Four)
31. Cinderella (Young Reading Series One)
32. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Young Reading Series One)
33. Saint George and the Dragon (Young Reading Series One)
34. The Wooden Horse (Young Reading Series One)
35. The Monkey King (Young Reading Series One)
36. Aladdin and his Magical Lamp (Young Reading Series One)
37. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Young Reading Series One)
38. The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (Young Reading Series One)
39. Jack and the Beanstalk (Young Reading Series One)
40. The Princess and the Pea (Young Reading Series One)
41. The Little Mermaid (Young Reading Series One)
42. The Nutcracker (Young Reading Series One)
43. Puss in Boots (Young Reading Series One)
44. The Frog Prince (Young Reading Series One)
45. Hansel and Gretel (Young Reading Series One)
46. The Elves and the Shoemaker (Young Reading Series One)
47. Rumpelstiltskin (Young Reading Series One)
48. Rapunzel (Young Reading Series One)
49. Sleeping Beauty (Young Reading Series One)
50. The runaway princess (Young Reading Series One)

Usborne系列::Usborne First Reading Level 1超高清PDF绘本15册下载

Usborne系列::Usborne First Reading Leve2 超高清PDF绘本12册下载

Usborne系列::Usborne First Reading Leve3 超高清PDF绘本16册下载

Usborne系列::Usborne First Reading Leve4 超高清PDF绘本23册下载



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