What is at the Zoo ?
Level C(美国学前班级别)
Are there bears at the zoo? 动物园里有熊吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there monkeys at the zoo? 动物园里有猴子吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there elephants at the zoo? 动物园里有大象吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there giraffes at the zoo? 动物园里有长颈鹿吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there lions and tigers at the zoo? 动物园里有狮子和老虎吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there hippos at the zoo? 动物园里有河马吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。
Are there sea lions at the zoo? 动物园里有海狮吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有 Are there dinosaurs at the zoo? 动物园里有恐龙吗? No, there are not. 不,那里没有。 在线收听地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk5NDE4Mzg0.html 太急燥了,要平心静气