Eric  发表于 2014-6-5 17:05:59| 1544 次查看 | 1 条回复
( 满分:100分    时间:40分钟 )
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总 分
得 分         
1.          2.          3.         4.         5.

c__mp__ter  env__l__pe  w__m__n  l__tt__r   st__m__
6.           7.        8.          9.         10.
p__stc__rd   f__ l __      g__ ft    c__m__ra   e-m__i __

(    ) 1. read the newspaper  A. 大声地笑
(    ) 2. laughing loudly B. 看报
(    ) 3. train station  C. 火车站
(    ) 4. go for a walk D. 放风筝
(    ) 5. fly a kite E. 去散步
(    ) 6. turn left F. 穿上;戴上
(    ) 7. sit down beside Danny G. 向左转
(    ) 8. take pictures H. 在丹尼旁边坐下
(    ) 9. have fun I. 拍照
(    ) 10. put on  J. 玩的开心

(    ) 1. – What does she _____?   -- She ______ a red school.
      A. see; see B. sees; see C. see; sees
(    ) 2. Would you like ______ to the park ?
      A. go B. to go  C. went
(    ) 3. Everyone _______ happy.
      A. feel B. feeling C. feels
(    ) 4. Danny _______ donuts yesterday morning.
      A. ate B. eat C. eats
(    ) 5. The boy is ______ young to go to school.
      A. too B. very C. to
(    ) 6. Your shoes are nice. Please ______________.
      A. put on B. put them on C. put on them
(    ) 7. He wants ________ shopping.
      A. go B. to go C. go to
(    ) 8. I saw Li Ming ________ a picture in the classroom.
      A. to draw B. draws C. drawing
(    ) 9. We arrive in Beijing _____ 2:00 ______ the afternoon.
      A. in; at B. at; on C. at; in
(    ) 10. I don’t know _______ the school is.
       A. where B. what C. when

四、选词填空:( 把正确答案的序号写在题前括号内 ) (10分)
(    ) 1. ___________ to Danny’s nose ?
(    ) 2. Open the box, you can find a pen ________ it.
(    ) 3. We can buy stamps at the _______________ .
(    ) 4. The hat is ____________ for me.
(    ) 5. My __________ is 269 Ninth Avenue.

五、问句答语搭配: (10分)
  (    ) 1. How’s the weather in ChiCheng ? A. Two yuan.
  (    ) 2. How much for this apple ? B. She is singing.
  (    ) 3. Would you like some milk ? C. It’s sunny and hot.
  (    ) 4. Did you have a nice trip ? D. Yes, I did.
  (    ) 5. What is Jenny doing ? E. No, thanks.

1. went, to, yesterday, We, the Palace Museum   ( . )  
2. This is a child. ( 变为复数句 )
   ________  ________  _____________ .
3. She goes to school by bike.  ( 对划线部分提问 )
   _______  ________ she ________ to school ?
4. Kim is watching TV.   ( 对划线部分提问 )
   ________ is Kim ___________ ?
5. I would like some water.  ( 对划线部分提问 )
   _______ would _________ like ?

2013年冀教版五年级英语下册期末考试题rtttt.doc (651 KB, 下载次数: 75)

  A. Go straight down the street. Turn right at the traffic lights.
  B. You’re welcome !
  C. Excuse me, do you know where the park is ?
  D. Thank you !
  E. Yes, I can show you.
  _______   _______   _______   ________   ________

  (    ) 1. Danny说话的声音很大,你想让他安静下来,应说:____
A. Be quiet, please.           B. Be quick, please.
  (    ) 2. 当你想问:“谁饿了?”时,应说:________
A. Who is hungry ?           B. Who is thirsty ?
(    ) 3. 当你想为别人拍照时,应说:________
A. May I take your picture ?   B. Let me take a picture.
   (    ) 4. 当你不会用英语表达这个东西时,应说:_______
A. Do you know it ?          B. What’s this in English ?
   (    ) 5. 当你想表达:“我想你了!”时,应说:______
A. I like you !                B. I miss you !

九、快乐阅读,轻松选择:( 10分)
I’m Jim. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is twelve years old. He is 1.55 metres tall. We are in the same school. Tom lives far from school. He goes to school by bicycle. He often eats lunch at school. He likes dumplings and meat. But his favourite food is chicken. His favourite school work is to read books. And he likes to play basketball with me after school (放学后).
(    ) 1. Are Jim and Tom good friends ?
       A. Yes, they are.           
B. No, they aren’t.
       C. Yes, they do.
(    ) 2. How tall is Tom ?
       A. He is 1.5 metres tall.     
B. He is 1.45 metres tall.
       C. He is 1.55 metres tall.  
(    ) 3. How does Tom go to school ?
       A. By car.      B. By bicycle.      C. By bus.
(    ) 4. Does Tom like chicken ?
       A. Yes, he is.             B. Yes, he does.
       C. No, he doesn’t.
(    ) 5. What is Tom’s favourite school work ?
A. He likes to play basketball.
B. He likes to write stories.
C. He likes to read books.

ldqcaolgn  评论于  2014-6-5 17:16:55