halei  发表于 2011-5-13 13:48:25| 1807 次查看 | 0 条回复
     近年来,进华中学本着陈国强校长提出的“为学生的一生发展奠基”的办学理念,已逐步形成了“数学特色,理科见长”和“陶艺教育”等特色。在学校精心构筑的“三个团队” ——教师、学生、家长的通力协作下,教学质量稳步提高,拥有了一支老中青结合的敬业爱生、教艺精湛和富有创新精神的优秀教师队伍,培养了大批“优秀加特长”的学生。初中教学质量在全区名列前茅,高中的办学质量在区同类学校中居于前列,被喻为“教苑新秀,民校奇葩”。在区市、全国、国际的各级各类学科竞赛中进华学子屡获嘉奖,截止至2008年底共获奖4542项,其中市级以上奖项为2903个,占63.91%。其中仅08年获奖就达1034项,其中全国级奖项93项,市级奖项577项;数学类奖项315项。目前,进华在全体教职工的共同努力下,正向着“成为一所精品型、国际化、有特色的一流民办学校”这一目标大踏步前进!

The Brief Introduction of

Shanghai Jinhua Private Middle School

    Shanghai Jinhua Private Middle School, funded by Shanghai Zhonghuan Investment&Development Group, has developed both steadily and rapidly under the striving efforts paid by all teaching staff. Jinhua, covering an area of 2.3 million square meters, has more than 1300 students when its teaching staff reaches 100. Equipped with modern facilities and devices, the school is regarded as an internationalized one. Hence, Jinhua was successively honored as Shanghai Outstanding Model Private Middle School. In 2006, the school was certified by CITA, the commission on Trans Regional Education Accreditation. These achievements are inseparable to School leaders’ concepts over enhancement on campus culture as well as insistence on quality-oriented education.
    For years, on the basis of the school aim lay the foundation for students’ lifelong development, Jinhua has been steadily featured with two characteristic educational items: mathematics and ceramics. Meanwhile the teaching quality is enhanced and improved attributing to school leaders’ remarkable achievements realized by three cooperative teams. Hereby, many inter-disciplinary students are incubated and get ahead. In terms of enrollment rate, we are so proud of being on the top of the list. Over 80% examinees from our school are admitted by municipal and district-level key schools. Furthermore, Jinhua is specialized in all sorts of science and liberal contests based on state-and-city levels. 175 national awards and 507 municipal awards are given to Jinhua’s contestants from year 2007 to first half of year 2008.
At present, associated with the efforts contributed by all school staff, Jinhua Private Middle school is heading for the success of internationalization and ranking top!



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