boshiwa  发表于 2011-5-4 17:09:24| 2809 次查看 | 1 条回复
1.?In KFC ( A goes to the counter and order in KFC. B is the counter girl/counter boy.)
B: Welcome to KFC. What can I help you?/ May I help you?/What do you want?
A: I want a hamburger and a cup of Sprite./I'd like to have two chicken wings.
B: What size do you want, small, medium or large size?
A: I prefer small size./Small size will do.
B: What else do you want?
A: A package of French-fries, please.
B: A hamburger, a small cup of Sprite and a package of French-fries, right?
A: Sure. How much are they?
B: 20 Yuan. Why not take our Super-Saver Set? It only cost you 18 Yuan. You will get the same things and an extra apple pie.
A: Really? Then I'd better take that Super-Saver Set. Here is the money.
B: OK. Here is your change and your food.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome? Have a nice day!

2.?In the hospital(A is a patient who has a bad cold. B is a doctor)
A: Good morning, doctor.
B: Good morning. Sit down, please.
A: Thank you.
B:What's the matter with you?
A: I feel sick and I have a headache.
B: How long have you been like this?
A: About two days.
B: Please open your mouth and say "Ah".
A: "Ah."
B: You have a bad cold.
A: Yah, I think so. I was caught in the rain the day before yesterday. Then what shall I do now?
B: Take some medicine and have a good rest.
A: But I have a lot of things to do. I have to work tomorrow.
B: You definitely need a good rest. I will give you a medical certificate so that you can stay at home tomorrow.
A: Ok, I see. I will take your advice. Thank you, doctor.
B: You are welcome.

3.?At School (A and B are classmates. This Sunday is their English teacher- Miss Wang's birthday. A and B want to but a birthday present for her.)
A: Hello, Jennifer.
B: Hello, Linda.
A: This Sunday is Miss Wang's birthday.
B: Yes, I have heard of it. Really? Thank you for reminding me。
A: I think we should send her a birthday present.
B: You are right./I agree with you.
A: Do you know what Miss Wang likes?
B: I have no idea. But maybe we can send her a bunch of flower.
A: Oh, that's a good idea.
B: Which kind of flowers is better, rose or carnation?
A: I think a bunch of carnations is better./ I think she prefers carnation.
B: Why not include a birthday card?/It's better to include a birthday card.
A: Yes, let's go to the flower shop to buy the carnations.
B:Ok! Let's go.

4.?At school (A fell off the stars and hurt his leg. B comes to help A.)
A: Oh, my god!
B: What's the matter?/What happened?/What's wrong with you?
A: I fell off the stairs just now.
B: Poor boy. How do you feel now? Is it serious?
A: I think my leg is hurt.
B: Yah, look your leg is bleeding blood.
A: Oh, it's a great pain./Oh, it's painful.
B: Can you walk now?
A: No, I don't think so.
B: Have a try. Let me help you stand up.
A: Ok, I am standing.
B: Be careful. I think I'd better send you to the school clinic.
A: Thank you very much!
B:You are welcome.

5.?At school. (A has difficulty solving one math question. B is helping him to work out.)
B: Hi, Jennifer. What are you dong now?
A: I am doing my homework.
B: Why you look so sad? Are you in trouble?
A: I've been working on this maths question for two hours. But I still can't work it out.
B: Let me have a look. Maybe I can help you.
A:Yah, you always get the first place in the maths tests. Ithink you can solve this problem.
B: Which question?
A: Question 3 on Page 20.
B: What a coincidence! I have dong this question before.
A: Then do you know the way to do it?
B: Sure. You should start from the equation first. Then you can calculate the rest.
A: Oh, I see. I can't imagine how much time. I still need to spend if without your help. Thank you so much.
B: It's my pleasure. / You are welcome

6.?Traveling in Shanghai (A is a tourist who is the first time to Shanghai. B is the tourists guide. B is companying A visiting the Bund.)
B: Welcome to Shanghai! My name is Jennifer, nice to meet you.
A: My name is Peter, nice to meet you, too.
B: I'm your tourist guide. Is it the first time you've been to Shanghai?
A: Yes, it is. But I've been to Beijing before.
B: What do you think of Shanghai?
A: It's a modern and fantastic city.
B: Look, can you see that tall building?
A: Let me see. Is it Jin Mao Tower?
B: Yes, It's the tallest building in Shanghai.
A: Then that tower must be the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.
B: You are right. It now becomes the symbol of Shanghai.
A: How about so many old building in the Bund?
B: They were built around 100 years ago. They are all very stylish.
A: That's great! It's really worth to visit Shanghai.
B: Yes, Shanghai has been developed very well in the past 20 years.
A: It will be an unforgettable trip.
B: Do you want to take some photos?
A: Certainly. Thank you.

7.?Ask the way.( A is a foreign tourist and traveling in Shanghai. But A is lot his way, he asks a policeman the way to the hotel. B is the policeman. He is happy to tell the foreign tourists the way to his hotel.)
A: Excuse me, I'm a foreign tourist and now I lost my way. Can you tell me the way to the hotel?
B: Of cause, could you tell me which hotel you are staying?
A: Garden Hotel.
B: Oh, it's near Haul Hai Road.

B: You are now at People's Square. It's quite far from here.
A: Then how can I go there?
B: You can take metro line 1 to South Shan Xi Read Station. It only takes five minutes to walk from the metro station to your hotel.
A: Where is the metro station?
B: It's just opposite this road. Look, do you see the Metro Syndic.
A: Yes, I see it. Thank you.
B: You're welcome.

(A invites B to watch VCD at home on Sunday, but B is busy that day.)
A: Hello, how are you these days?
B: I'm fine, and you?
A: I'm fine too. I bought some VCD just now.
B: What are they?
A: "The day after tomorrow", "Harry Potter3" and "National Treasure."
B: I heard that they are really interesting.
A: Have you seen those moves before?
B: Not yet.
A: Would you be free this Sunday? Please come to my home and watch VED together.
B: I'd like to, but I'm busy this Sunday. I will have lunch with my old friend who is from America. I'm sorry.
A: That's all right, may be you can come to my home next Sunday.
B: That's a good idea. I think I will be free then.
A: Ok, I'll see you then.
B: See you.

A: Where am I now? Is it very near the hotel?

amyliu1217  评论于  2017-2-8 11:16:12