raorao  发表于 2011-5-4 11:46:09| 2112 次查看 | 1 条回复
Ⅰ、Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示填入括号内) (共20分)  (    )1. -Have you ever traveled abroad?
  --Sure. I ______ the  language of English in the USA two years after I graduated from the university.
  A. used to learn     B. was used to studying
  C. have studied      D. didn't use to study
  (    )2. --Where' s Mr Green? --Oh, he _________ Canada.
  A. has been to   B. has gone to     C. went to         D. was in
  (    )3. The factory has been ________ for two years.
  A. open         B. to open        C. opening        D. opened
  (    )4 .--How long have you ________there? --About four years.        ~
  A. come          B. gone           C. left            D. worked
  (    )5.--Must I clean the room now? --No, you __________.
  A. can' t         B. may not        C. mustn' t        D. needn' t
  (    )6. ________ I close the window? It's so cold here.
  A. Will          B. Do            C. Would        D. Shall
  (    )7.--Excuse me, Look at the sign NO SMOKING! --Sorry, I ________ it.
  A.don't see      B.didn't see      C.haven't seen    D.won't see
  (    )8. He could_____ neither French or German, so I____ with him in English.
  A, speak, talked B. talk, told      C. say, spoke    D. tell, talked
  (    ) 9. I ________a very interesting programme on the radio this morning.
  A. listened       B. heard          C. saw            D. watched
  (    )10. Could you _______ me your bike? Mine is broken. --Sure. It's there.
  A. borrow        B. lend          C. giving        D. return
  (    )11 .--How much did you ________for the pen? --Five yuan.
  A. cost          B. take          C. pay           D. buy
  (    )12.--Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? --Because I ________it.
  A. saw           B. will see        C. see            D, have seen
  (    )13. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ________tomorrow.
  A. won' t rain    B. isn' t raining   C. doesn' t rain    D. isn' t rain
  (    )14.--What did you do last night? --I _______TV with my family.
  A. watch         B. am watching    C. have watched   D. watched
  (    )15. --Can I help you, sir?
  --Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it ________.
  A. didn't work    B.won' t work     C.can' t work      D. doesn't work
  (    ) 16. --What do you think of the football match yesterday?
  --Well, it' s surprising. The strongest team of our school ________.
  A. was beaten     B. won         C. scored         D. was filled
  (    )17. The trees must _______three times a week.
  A. water        B. watering        C. be watered      D.waters
  (    )18. --Alice, you ________ on the phone. --I' m coming. Thanks.
  A. want         B-. are wanted      C. are wanting     .D. have wanted
  (    )19. --I saw Betty go to Grandpa Li's home just now.
  --Yes. She's often seen _________ the old man with the housework..
  A: help          B. to help        C. helps          D. helped
  (    )20. A talk on Chinese history __________in the school hall next Monday.
  A. be given    B. has been given   C. will be given   D. will give

  Ⅱ、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)
  1. --What is your ________? (nation)
  2. The children are skating happily on the ________ river. (freeze)
  3. Mary's answer was ________, but mine was right. (correct)
  4. She has passed the ________ examination of senior middle school. (enter)
  5. Tom missed the school bus this morning. But ________ he got to school in time. (luck)
  6. Nanjing Road Walkway is one of the ________ streets in shanghai. (busy)
  Ⅲ、Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共10分)
  1.The teacher said to me, "Don't use a dictionary when you meet new words."(改写成简单句)
  The teacher told me _______ to use a dictionary when I ________ new words.
  2.Miss Yang began to teach at the school a year ago. (改写成同义句)
  Miss Yang ______ ________ a teacher for a year.
  3.You mustn't put your bike in the corner. (改写成被动句)
  Your bike ________ _________ put in the corner.
  4.I can't finish the work on time without any help. (改写成同义句)
  I can't finish the work on time _______ I have _______ help.
  5.Helen's father hasn't been there. Helen's mother hasn't, either. (改写成同义句)
  _________ of Helen's parents ________ been there.
  1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B
  11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C
  1.nationality   2.frozen   3.uncorrected   4.enterance   5.luckily   6.busiest
  1.not, met   2.has, been   3.mustn't, be   4.if, no   5.Neither, has
litterbell  评论于  2020-1-27 10:48:01