raorao  发表于 2011-5-4 11:44:36| 2051 次查看 | 1 条回复
 Ⅰ、Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示填入括号内) (共20分)  (     )1. Do you know where ______ from?
  A. he come       B. he comes      C. did he come     D. does he came
  (     )2. Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroom.
  A. to sit        B. sat        C. siting        D. sitting
  (     )3. I______ maths and science.
  A. interest                            B.  am interesting
  C. am interested                          D. am interested in
  (     )4. David was born _____.
  A.since twenty years ago                    B.for twenty years
  C.twenty years ago                         D.just over twenty years
  (     )5.Mike _____ his homework three hours ago.
  A. finished                           B. has finished
  C. is finishing                         D. is going to finish
  (     )6.Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces.
  A. as          B. to          C. into         D. in
  (     )7.When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas.
  A. try         B. trying       C. taking       D. tried
  (     )8.Were you born ______May 21,1974?
  A. in         B. on         C. from        D. at
  (     )9.It's very kind ____ you  _____lend your bike to me.
  A. of, to       B.  for, in      C. for, to      D. of, in
  (     )10.I have two pens. One is red, ________ is black.
  A. other                              B. another
  C. the other                           D. the others
  (     )11." ______ do you write to your parents ?"" Once a month."
  A. How long                         B. How much
  C. How far                          D. How often
  (     )12.He asked who was _______ in your class.
  A. the oldest      B. oldest        C. older        D. the older
  (     )13.The teacher told us ______ Exercise 1 in our exercise books.
  A. do        B. to do       C. doing       D. does
  (     )14.I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well.
  A. what       B. it     C. that       D. this
  (     )15.I' m ______ to trouble you.
  A. glad        B. afraid        C. fear         D. sorry
  (     )16.- Please write to me when you have time.
  - Sure. But ________is your E-mail address?
  A. when                                 B. where
  C. what                                  D. which
  (     )17.It is _______to work out this problem. You needn't go to the teacher.
  A. enough easy                           B. easily enough
  C. easy, enough                           D. very easily
  (     )18.The visitors are very ______ to see so many changes _______ in Shenzhen sin-ce 1979.
  A. surprise; have been taken place   B. surprising, took place
  C. surprised, have been taken place    D. surprised, have taken place
  (     )19.When I got to his home, he ________ for an hour.
  A. had left    B. left      C. had been away      D. has been away
  (     )20.The boss made him work 14 hours a day. That means, he _______ work 14 hours a day.
  A. was made      B. made      C. was making     D. was made to
 Ⅱ、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)
  1. My sister and her classmates ________ their presents when they met again. (change)
  2. If you wear a pair of ________ shoes, you may walk farther. (uncomfortable)
  3. The ________ singing lessons made every one happy. (enjoy)
  4. Bees have several ways of _________. (communicate)
  5. To use hair dryer in the bathroom is ________. (danger)
  6. I can't see well. Would you please turn on the ________ light? (electricity)
  Ⅲ、Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共10分)
  1.He put his hand in the bag to take out the money.
  ______ he ______ his hand in the bag to take out the money? (改为一般疑问句)
  2.Linda is always tired of staying at home alone.
  Linda always ______ ______ at home alone.(同义句转换)
  3.Ken has lunch at the school instead of at home.
  Ken ______ _______ lunch at the school instead of at home.(变为否定句)
  4.This book is the most interesting of all the books on the shelf
  This book is the _______ _______ of all the books on the shelf (改为否定句)
  5.Peter is 150 centimetres tall, so is mike.
  Mike is the same ______ ______ Peter. (同义句转换)
  1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C
  11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.D
  1.changed   2.comfortable   3.enjoyable   4.communications   5.dangerous   6.electric
  1.Did, put   2.hates, staying   3.doesn't, have    4.least, interesting   5.height, as
litterbell  评论于  2020-1-28 11:13:18