raorao  发表于 2011-5-4 11:41:12| 2058 次查看 | 1 条回复
Ⅰ、Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示填入括号内) (共20分)  (    )1.There is _________ ATM ( Automatic Teller Machine ) on each side of the rode.
  A. a             B. an            C. the               D. /
  (    )2.  --Would you like a cup of coffee?
  --Oh,yes,please.I'd love ________ .
  A.it            B.one           C.any               D.something
  (    )3. The apples on that tree ______ big and nice.
  A. is            B. are           C. have been         D. looks
  (    )4. Mrs White often by things _________ sale.
  A. at            B. on            C. in                D. for
  (    )5.  --Jim ,why are you late again?
  --Sorry , Mr Smith. I _________ too much this morning.
  A.slept         B.sleep         C.have slept        D.am sleeping
  (    )6. When winter comes , _______ gets colder and colder.
  A .the day       B .days          C. it         D. its
  (    )7. People ______ go to the markets to buy live chickens to cook, but now they have to change that habit.
  A. use to        B. used to       C. are using to      D. are used to
  (    )8. _____ the population of the China?
  A. What number is       B. How much is
  C. What is       D. How many are
  (    )9. It's a long time ________ we met last.
  A.so            B.before    C.after         D.since
  (    )10. The passage is too hard for us to understand _________  it's very short and there are no new words in it.
  A.so            B.though        C.because           D.and
  (    )11. The teacher told the students that light       faster than sound.
  A. traveled                       B. have traveled
  C. to travel                      D. travels
  (    )12. The travelers arrived _______ the country _______ a rainy day .
  A. in, on        B .at ,in        C. in , in           D. at ,on
  (    )13. We should make a contribution to _______ our country stronger .
  A. make          B. makes         C. making            D. made
  (    )14.Our team is so stronger that we'll _______them in the match.
  A.beat          B.play against  C.fight             D.win
  (    )15. We got lost in the forest. But we didn't know ________.
  A. what to do    B. .when to do   C how to do       D. where to do
  (    )16. It's the house _________ I was born.
  A .that          B .where         C .which             D .when
  (    )17. You'd better ______ in bed. It's not good for your eyes.
  A. don't read    B. not read      C. not to read       D. to not read
  (    )18. Oh! I forgot to bring my paper again. I _______ it at home .
  A. left          B. forgot        C. put               D. lost
  (    )19. There must be something wrong with my TV set , the picture ________ come out.
  A.doesn't       B.hasn't        C. can't            D.won't
  (    )20. Kids should be told _____ to get _____ well with _____.
  A. how; on; others          B. what; on; another
  C. how; in; the other             D. what; out; any others
 Ⅱ、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)
  1.The weather is ________ at the South Pole. (change)
  2.Most ________ has three states: solid, liquid and vapor.
  3.There is an ________ mistakes in Tim's paper. (correct)
  4.At the turn of  seasons we can find many clothes on ________. (sell)
  5.His ________ cost his life. (care)
  6.Many people in my company gave me their ________ address. (person)
  Ⅲ、Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共10分)
  1.He wasn't able to pass the exam. (保持句意不变)
  He ________ ________ pass the exam.
  2.Li Ming didn't go to school because he was ill. (改为简单句)
  Li Ming didn't go to school because ________ his ________.
  3.He could run one thousand meters in 4 minutes. (对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ could he run in 4 minutes?
  4.If you eat more, you will be fatter and fatter. (保持句意不变)
  The ________ you eat, the ________ you will be.
  5.Will you please read it again more carefully? (改为祈使句)
  ________ ________ again more carefully, please.
  1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
  11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.A
  1.changeable   2.matter   3.uncorrected   4.sale   5.carelessness   6.personal
  1.failed, to   2.of,illness   3.How, far   4.more, fatter   5.Please, read
litterbell  评论于  2020-1-26 00:49:43