raorao  发表于 2011-5-4 10:41:07| 2277 次查看 | 1 条回复
本帖最后由 raorao 于 2011-5-4 10:44 编辑

  Ⅰ、Choose the best answer. (共20分)
  (     )1. What is the girl's name?   ______ name is Michael.
  A. My          B. Your          C. His           D. Her
  (     ) 2. How______ is the data line?   It's about eighty dollars.
  A. long        B. old           C. many          D. much
  (     ) 3. Jackson borrowed a book ____ the library two weeks ago.
  A. to          B. from          C. for           D. in
  (     ) 4. I am sorry I forgot to bring my textbook. I ____ it at home.
  A. lost        B. forgot        C. left          D. put
  (     ) 5. What do you think _____ her a good student?
  A. of making   B. made          C. making        D. to make
  (     ) 6. There _____ nobody in the room. The door is open.
  A. can be not  B. can't have   C. can't be     D. be can't
  (     ) 7. Hurry up, or we will _____ the plane.
  A. catch       B. take          C. lose          D. miss
  (     ) 8. The postcard _____ "Happy Valentines Day!"
  A. says        B. speaks        C. tells         D. writes
  (     ) 9. The population of China is much _______ of Japan.
  A. more than                    B. bigger than that
  C. bigger than                  D. more larger than
  (     )10."Excuse me, may I try on ______ pair of gloves?  This one is too small ."
  A. other       B. the other     C. others        D. another
  (     )11.He's quite ________ math,but he never drops it.
  A.good at     B.weak in       C.interested in D.tired of
  (     )12.Computers are so helpful to people.They can do almost everything!
  Yes.But they ________ what to do.
  A.must be told                 B.will be known
  C.has to be known              D.will know
  (     )13. Her paper is out of use, but _________ is enough.
  A. I           B. me            C. my            D. mine
  (     )14. If it ________ tomorrow, we will not go to Su Zhou for the trip.
  A. will rain    B. rained        C. rains         D. rain
  (     )15. Look!________ beautiful church it is!
  A.What        B.How           C.How a         D.What a
  (     )16."Have you received any message from Wendy after she went to France?"
  " ________."
  "Really?No news is good news."
  A.Yes,I have                  B.I don't mind
  C.No,I haven't                D.No problem
  (     )17."Is Mr Baker really very ill?"
  "________.He's in hospital."
  A.I don't think so             B.No,he isn't
  C.I hope so                    D.I'm afraid so
  (     )18."Mum,Billy is coming to supper this evening."
  "OK.Let's give him ________ to eat."
  A.something different          B.different anything
  C.anything different           D.different something
  (     )19."Would you like to play baseball with us? "
  A. Yes, I'd love to  B. No, please.
  C. It's OK.  D. All right.
  (     )20." May I put my bike here?"
  "Sorry,you mustn't.Please look at the sign.It says '________'."
  A.no parking  B.no photos     C.danger        D.stop
  Ⅱ、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)  
1.Thank you for your ________ to us. (kind)  
2.On a ________ night, you can see thousands of stars in the sky. (clearly)  
3.In ________ weather, the old had better stay at home. (freeze)  
4.At the ________ of this century, the APEC conferences were held successfully in Shanghai. (begin)  
5.It's a ________ to have a picnic with all the family members. (please)  
6.How ________ it sounds. (interest)  

Ⅲ、Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共10分)  
1.Can you tell me what weight the box is? (保持句意不变)  Do you ________ how ________ the box is?  
2.The postage is three yuan and five jiao. (对划线部分提问)  ________ ________ is the postage.  
3.These boy preferred detective stories to science fiction. (保持句意不变)  These boy liked reading detective stories ________ ________ science fiction.  
4.He lost the key to his bike on his way to the lecture. (对划线部分提问)  ________ did he ________ on his way to the lecture?  
5.Nanjing Road Walkway looks very beautiful at night. (改为感叹句)  ________ ________ Nanjing Road Walkway looks at night!
  1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D
  11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.A
  1.kindness   2.clear   3.freezing   4.beginning   5.pleasure   6.interesting
  1.know, heavy   2.How, much   3.better, than   4.What. lose   5.How, beautiful

yaoyongqi  评论于  2016-4-27 19:18:51
Helpful enough!