
一、Copythe sentence. (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)

what arethose          are they monkeys          yes   


二、Writethe words. (按要求写单词)

1. she (同类词) __________            2. fox (复数形式) __________

3. hard (反义词) __________           4. do (否定形式) __________

5. listen (近义词) __________          6. those (单数形式) __________

三、Read andwrite. (读一读,联系前后写出相应的单词,每格一词)

1. We can seemonkeys, __________ and __________ in the zoo.

2. At the toyshop, we can see __________, __________ and __________.

3. The appleis sweet. The lemon is __________. The coffee is __________. The salt is __________.

4. I need__________, __________, __________and buttons for making a robot.

5. I see withmy __________. I hear with my __________. I taste with my __________.

四、Fill in theblanks with ‘am, is, are’. (用am, is, are填空)

1. Lucy, what_______ that? It _______ pair of gloves.

2. The socks_______ for you. The scarf ________ for me.

3. _______ themonkeys clever? Yes, they _______.

4. What _______those? They _______ bicycles and vans.

5. I _______ Alice. She _______ Jane.We have many toys.

6. There_______ a robot and a skateboard in my box. They _______ super.

五、Choose thebest answer. (选择最恰当的答案)

(      )1. Charlie _______ a chair and achick.

            A. is             B. have            C. has

(      ) 2. _______ is Moon pie? Ten yuan.

            A. How much      B. How many       C. How old

(      )3. Theelephant likes eating ________.

            A. meat           B. fruit            C. chicken

(      ) 4. The _______ have long ears.

            A. tigers          B. lions            C. rabbits

(      ) 5. What can you _______? A lion.

            A. smell          B. see             C. taste

(      ) 6. Touch the books. How _______ they feel?

            A. is             B. do              C. does

(      ) 7. Look at the _______. They are clever.

            A. monkey        B. monkeys         C. a monkey

(      ) 8. I can ride my horse very _______.\

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