
                                                    Name__________   Mark_________


(    ) 1.Mr. White is_______ actor. He is _______good actor.

       A. an, an        B. an,a            C. an,the             D. a, the

(    ) 2. — _______ will you get to Xi’an?   —By plane.
    A. When       B. Where       C. How         D What
(     ) 3.The old man lives by _______.

A. he         B. his        C. him           D. himself

(    ) 4.My mother wants _______ milk everyday.

A.drink           B. drinking      C. todrink            D. drinks

(    ) 5.The teacher tells us_______ thehomework in time.

A. finish        B.finishing       C. tofinish            D.finishes

(    ) 6.There ______ a meeting tomorrowafternoon.

A. will begoing to     B. will going to be    C. is going to be       D. will go to be

(    ) 7.Sophie ______ here next month.

A. isn’tworking     B. doesn’t working   C. isn’t going to working    D. won’t work

(     ) 8.Mom ______ me a nice present on my nextbirthday.

A. willgive     B. will gives         C. gives              D. give

(     ) 9.He ______ in three days’ time.

      A. coming back     B. came back    C. will come back    D. is going to coming back

(    ) 10.– Will his parents go to Paris tomorrow? – No, _______

      A. they willn’t.     B. they won’t.      C. they aren’t.       D.they don’t.

(    ) 11.I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

         A.anything              B.something        C.everything            D.nothing

(    ) 12.Everything ______ ready. We canstart now.

         A.are          B.is          C.be             D. were

(    ) 13. — Do you have ______ to say foryourself?   —No, I have nothing to say.

         A.something       B. nothing          C. everything        D. anything

(    ) 14. Paul did quite well, he made very______ mistakes.
     A. a little   B. a few      C.little      D. few

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esxok  评论于  2013-8-30 19:08:15
aobaoma  评论于  2013-8-30 19:34:56
李正刚_1998  评论于  2013-8-30 19:35:00
lj492  评论于  2017-9-19 13:50:04