
一、        单词填空(1分/题,共10分)


二、        根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分)

01.upstairs/    /02.customs/     /03.tourist/     /04.orange/     /05.employee/     / 06.thirsty/     /07.open/     /08.knife/     /09.shelf/     /10.cigarette/     /

三、        根据下列数字写出对应的英语单词(1分/题,共10分)

01.13  02.40  03.19  04.80  05.12  

06.99  07.37  08.18  09.26  10.15      

四、        用复数形式改写以下句子(2分/题,共10分)

01.This is my friend.                                                     

02.This is his case.

03.This is her hat.

04.This isn’t my passport.

05.This isn’t her handbag.

五、        用括号中正确的词填空(2分/题,共10分)

01.What’s her job?-She’s a(engineer/housewife)

02.What are their jobs?-They’re(policeman/policemen)

03.What’s Michael’s job?-He’s a(sales rep/keyboard operators)

04.What’s his job?-He’s an(Customsofficer/office assistant)

05.What are Tim and John’s jobs?-They’re(milkmen/housewives)

六、        用me,him,her,us或them填空(2分/题,共10分)

01.Give the boy these pens.And givethese pencils.

02.Give Anna and me some magazines.And givesome newspapers.

03.Give the men these cigarettes.And givesome glasses.

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(13--24).doc (49.5 KB, 下载次数: 181)

wyattearp  评论于  2013-8-30 17:16:58
心心  评论于  2013-8-30 18:28:47