新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(25—36) 一、 单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 01.(厨房) 02.(窗户) 03.(图画) 04.(卧室) 05.(衣服) 06.(花园) 07.(篮子) 08.(照片) 09.(村庄) 10.(沿着) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) 01.electric/ /02.armchair/ /03.drink/ /04.sweep/ /05.empty/ / 06.climb/ / 07.grass/ /08.across/ /09.wardrobe/ /10.family/ / 三、单词辨音(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.A.kitchen B.right C.electric D.middle ( )02.A.room B.cooker C.bedroom D.book ( )03.A.untidy B.must C.put D.dust ( )04.A.clothes B.thin C.thirsty D.thamk ( )05.A.what B.where C.whose D.which ( )06.A.yellow B.window C.how D.know ( )07.A.grass B.after C.cat D.ask ( )08.A.under B.run C.sun D.building ( )09.A.blouse B.cloud C.young D.house mes� o�d���anstyle='mso-list:Ignore'>10. We aregoing to ___ a bus.
A. wait B. wait for C. waiting D. waiting for 二、 词组互译(10分) 1. swim across theriver ________________ 2. 进入______________ 3. get out of________________ 4. 铺床_______________ 5. the banks ofriver __________________ 6.在山谷里_______________ 7. jumpoff________________ 8. 关电视_________________ 9. a pairof_____________________ 10. 努力工作__________________
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