LyRP6659  发表于 2013-8-6 14:44:54| 1564 次查看 | 2 条回复


Vocabulary (15 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the bracketsprovided. (8*1=8 marks)

( ) 1. Jamie was _________ to Steven for his help.

       A.grateful         B.remorseful       C. successful   D. joyful

( ) 3. May and Mark built a snowman when _________ came.

       A.spring           B.summer           C.autumn        D. winter

( ) 4. ___________ are extinct.

       A.Tigers           B.Whales           C.Dinosaurs     D. Cobras

( ) 5. The bride and groom walked down the _________.

       A.road             B.pavement         C.aisle         D. isle

( ) 6. John is putting his swimming __________ on.

       A.clothes          B.trunks           C.shirt         D. trousers

( ) 7. Meiling was __________ when her beloved pet dog died.

       A.upset            B.glad             C.happy         D. sore

下载: 北京2011年小学三年级英语模拟试题.doc (270 KB, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 1 爱币)

安木保  评论于  2013-8-6 14:50:00
rsnch  评论于  2013-8-6 19:37:29