帅哥-妈妈  发表于 2012-3-16 21:29:26| 2065 次查看 | 8 条回复


The fox and the goat


One hot day, a careless fox fell into a well. “Alas, what should I do?” he thought anxiously. There seemed to be no way for him to get out.

   就在这个时候,有一只想喝水的山羊来到井边。 狐狸一见山羊,像是见到了救星,但他故意装出一副悠闲的样子和山羊打招呼:“嗨,山羊老朋友,你好啊!”

Right then though, a thirsty goat came by the well. When he saw the goat, the fox knew that help had come.
Oh, my old friend goat, nice to see you!” the fox greeted him and sat back leisurely at the bottom of the well.


   Ah, Nr. FoxWhy are you in the well?” The goat asked curiously as he looked down at the fox. “What are you doing down there in the dark?” “Oh, nothing, You see, my friend, it’s very hot today. It’s simply unbearable to stay outside.”


“It just makes me thirsty and sweaty. I prefer the cool comfort of the well instead. You know, the water in here is great, sweet and refreshing.” He drank some water and licked his lips with pleasure: “Ah! Goodness, it’s even more delicious than the wine of gods! Ah! My old friend, I really see no reason why I should ever leave this place again. You know, you should hop down here as well. I invite you from the bottom of my heart to share this pleasurable haven with me.”


Upon hearing the fox’s enticing words, goat jumped into the well without a second thought. The clever fox immediately jumped onto the goat’s back, and from there onto his long horns. Then he leapt over to the outside of the well. “Mr. Fox, where are you going?” the goat asked, growing uneasy. “Didn’t you say we should enjoy the water in the well together?”


  You can enjoy it yourself, but I won’t be one to join you anymore!” the elated fox cried with a laugh as he looked at the poor goat down in the well. “Please bear in mind, my long bearded, short-sighted friend: the next time you enter a strange new place, make sure your path of entry can be retraced.”




嘲笑—laugh at





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