小T妈妈  发表于 2011-10-25 23:55:34| 2918 次查看 | 4 条回复
本帖最后由 小T妈妈 于 2011-10-25 23:55 编辑

女创作人Keren Ann Zeidel和冰岛乐队Bang Gang的主唱Bradi Johannsson,两人化身Lady & Bird,简单的木吉他,轻柔舒缓的歌声,绵延不断的伤感像一把小刀,在我们的静脉上留下了深深浅浅的伤痕。


曲目:Suicide is painless

专辑:Lady & Bird

乐队:Lady & Bird



女创作人Keren Ann Zeidel和冰岛乐队Bang Gang的主唱Bradi Johannsson,两人化身Lady & Bird,简单的木吉他,轻柔舒缓的歌声,绵延不断的伤感像一把小刀,在我们的静脉上留下了深深浅浅的伤痕。用干净清澈的音乐诉说沉重的故事,仿佛鸟笼中的两只小鸟,无法摆脱命运的枷锁。也许在你郁闷无助的时候听到Lady & Bird,内心会被整个吞噬掉,Suicide is painless,自杀的人没有痛苦也不曾留恋,留下的却是抹不去的伤痕。女孩儿和不会飞的小鸟还在期待未曾谋面的Nana,期待着有人能发现他们带他们回家,可是人们听不到他们的呼喊与求救,他们蒙住了自己的眼,藏起了落满灰尘的心。斑驳的光线洒下,来时的路早已模糊不清。

这首歌出现在1970年罗伯特·奥特曼导演的陆军野战医院MASH的开场,载着尸体的直升机飞过荒诞的战场,伴随着民谣般的Suicide is painless,这难道是一部战争喜剧片?不是虎口脱险也就是奇爱博士伦罢。能让你在大笑后思考,也许世间最美好的东西只能用深痛巨创来换取,然后为自己挖一个树洞,在里面诉说潮湿的回忆。死是假的,疼是真的,如果你懂得孤独,这就是你要找的声音。


Through early morning fog I see

Visions of the things to be

The pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play

I'm going to lose it anyway

The losing card I'll someday lay

So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works it's way on in

The pain grow stronger watch it grin

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me

To answer questions that are key

Is it to be or not to be

And I replied "Oh why ask me."

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

And you can do the same thing if you please

青蛙王子  评论于  2011-10-30 17:36:39
小圆圆妈  评论于  2011-11-12 10:42:21
BAOWEIYU  评论于  2011-11-13 14:25:52
熹妈  评论于  2012-2-3 16:55:54