红磨坊 [版主]
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发表于: 2021-8-20 14:39:58
牛津阅读树这套分级相信无需我们再次介绍了!直接来说说分级9里面第10本 The Finest in the Land 吧。
1 _- y8 e! }  o9 D1 L' n9 y) w  `7 [6 r! t
如何来阅读 The Finest in the Land:
4 E9 P8 F% b9 c$ k2 B& h- P


! t5 i* i9 N9 Y7 c2 u: M$ T0 K

Look at the front cover,
- c5 ?- ~4 z* I! ?9 I# G$ m% T( C1 K' l& b1 F+ L
What are the children doing?8 `$ L, V" E1 m

  Z/ d" P4 E& xThey are playing the musical instruments.! t1 s/ A4 R2 J  _
- c. F  D8 T; N8 X: w5 \
Can you play the musical instruments?
8 `5 m9 o& N4 z4 T3 v( F% d7 E4 J: y5 k
No, I can't. Can you?
* C" w& e$ ^: h& [% {0 m, }; f% t  ?# t/ M
Can you name the musical instruments?" q2 {" D9 ^5 }* d6 B3 v: }
' R* p) _8 P5 I& {; t
Which children are playing the same instruments?" c, a6 d" O2 W$ V+ N8 Z
2 s$ [. ^1 P, Q& n4 i$ K
Biff and Anneena are playing the same instruments.
0 M+ n0 {% h' u$ W1 |# u7 Q
6 c' \0 q0 q, NThey are playing the recorders.5 n  R' c0 ], Z( X9 h$ v6 E

& C3 w# w! P7 a2 y  sWilf and Chip are playing the same instruments too.
: @  i: k) B7 N. k- R+ d) ]  m. t$ ^7 N
They are playing the kazoos.% g) B6 s* D) P/ @7 F9 v. b9 q

: B& ^% w+ ^7 gCan you guess who is "the finest in the land"?9 I' y* ]1 B3 k- U1 n8 O# s- f+ q5 f
! o  x. s: {2 j. d: Q$ |1 r
What will happen next.
! p' w6 T* L. g$ l! r6 r1 V( }6 y4 t0 o8 W0 D
Let's open the book and turn to page1: c( M; q4 V# `5 y" T: l$ r$ D

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$ q1 ^! U3 m: r4 w; ~7 [
; J  e! v% L  h3 q0 `  ~. f* i相关阅读:+ q' L7 ]5 Z* z

% B# h/ L3 `  K/ K# ~" q牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree资源汇总
3 m. S! {( g) K3 i) n% P

* z1 i" B0 D2 u) x- M牛津阅读树系列的那么多个版本怎么选?详细介绍下吧,想买的可以参考下...
0 R9 n) [; c; Q) o) W" \
+ w# v& R6 V$ x& R7 e8 X
; _& a9 X: V+ S. V" {
更多:) W! _# c& z" a7 g
牛津阅读树1-9阶段原版进口凯迪克点读版团购! L1 j1 W( R5 I. M8 P+ q
. Z: I$ \3 v6 E& }. c# s$ Y
原版进口牛津阅读树 中国故事系列18册 ORT China Stories
  ^" j, z% u1 ~+ ~" m% j! A7 ^, C7 `( H

8 m6 E" A- u2 |; ^* Q& j- ]. }, ?. h
牛津阅读树ort交流分享 《牛津阅读树》是一套针对以英语为母语的学龄前及小学孩子培养阅读兴趣的寓教于乐的阅读教材,由牛津大学出版。在英国是家喻户晓的英语母语学习材料,在全球亦有一百多个国家用它作为外语学习教材。牛津阅读树群328023353 群主: 小番薯

