薄荷叶泡水  发表于 2020-8-24 13:37:11| 2011 次查看 | 1 条回复

英语自然拼读详解——2.Letter B.


字母是有分读音和发音的,Letter B的读音是/bi:/.



A little boy has a blue box. In the blue box, there are many books. One day, the boy opens the blue box. A big bird flys out of the box and say, “I am free now!” And then, the big bird flys into the blue sky.

*Letter B的发音就是/b/,轻轻地/b/。

Let's chant:

B B B   b b b   B B B   b b b

男孩 男孩 boy  boy、boy 、boy

蓝色 蓝色 blue  blue、blue、blue

盒子 盒子 box   box、box、box

书本 书本 book  book、book、book

大的 大的 big  big、big、big

小鸟 小鸟 bird  bird、bird、bird

Let's sing:

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  boy、boy 、boy

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  blue、blue、blue

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  box、box、box

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  book、book、book

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  big、big、big

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  bird、bird、bird

If you know the sound of  letter B  b b  bus、bus、bus

Letter B 的读音是/bi:/,发音是/b/,同学们,记住了吗?



ewbce  评论于  2020-8-24 14:09:10