我的秘密日记-灰姑娘 Disney Princess: My Secret Diary By Cinderella 灰姑娘为什么一直在扫地?难道她最喜欢做家务吗?舞会的晚宴会供应什么?有多少客人应邀参加她的婚礼?在这里,您将有机会找到答案!伴随着艺术性的故事和美妙的涂鸦?,由灰姑娘自己记录的日记? 从和王子的爱情 很长很长的家务列表 ,以及为小鼠设计服装?,这本日记是肯定会让你非常高兴的。适合3-5岁的孩子。
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Why was sweeping Cinderella?s favorite chore? What was served for dinner at the ball? How many guests were invited to her wedding? Here?s your chance to find out! Illustrated with storybook art and sweet doodles?by Cinderella herself!?and including funny and touching scrapbook elements?love notes from the Prince; a very, very long list of chores; designs for mice clothing?this diary is sure to delight.) C) S8 g1 n8 j' i. h/ b$ P
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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aTtv9YR7c8We5PUkyTlovw
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