发表于: 2020-8-18 15:24:41


# k6 m- u7 H5 y3 P, p《Usborne my first reading library》 第二图书馆全套PDF及MP3对应音频,适合3-12岁的小盆友阅读8 ^) Y! v' ]/ O' m5 t
8 @: E6 ^, B2 S% f; \$ L
Usborne Children's Books,全英国最大,最领先的少儿出版社。旗下出版各式各样琳琅满目的童书,以创意,创新闻名业界。  P3 s6 C$ s% @+ r6 O4 m
第二图书馆涉及到很多经典童话。原版的童话孩子们水平还不够,为了让孩子们欣赏到优美的故事,改编的英文童话故事就应运而生。3 O! k) ~1 S( R  ~$ d
世界经典童话,《小美人鱼》,《睡美人》,《长发公主》,《胡桃夹子》等,民间故事和绘本故事,《木马屠城记》,《夜莺》,《豌豆公主》,《青蛙王子》等等。" l- o6 ?. o+ ~6 {5 l( W
5 o: [0 P4 R5 M. }$ z故事情节生动有趣,是小盆友课外补充英文绘本故事的首选!!!
, S7 Z/ ^3 w7 U$ q; i6 M; ^* z/ ?$ g- G) @' M. q& A: k


. h. Q( }  y: h7 C4 c6 F4 ^
我的第二个图书馆 My Reading Library分三个等级,分别介绍一下:; O0 L( a8 D3 m( u7 v8 V" [
# m9 ?/ q7 C( F( G0 E, A
一、Usborne Young Reading系列14本
, t2 Z/ G$ r9 u, r6 V. ?! s
+ F2 h. I( l. v1. The King's Pudding (First Reading Level Three8 v% Q$ U: g3 o% h4 W: Z8 r$ }
2. The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (First Reading Level Three)! A4 M  }8 M, G/ Z8 F6 y$ {5 D" Z
3. Chicken Licken (First Reading Level Three
9 C! v9 O- D4 \4. The Musicians of Bremen (First Reading Level Three! M" \2 q' N* y+ Q
5. The Mouse's Wedding (First Reading Level Three
# v- S* z* _, y( x% X6. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (First Reading Level Three
1 i3 r: d, M. f: S7. The Magic Pear Tree (First Reading Level Three)
. N+ e  Y: p! F7 B% A0 O8. The dinosaur who lost his roar (First Reading Level Three
+ \/ T' `* {7 i- K+ E9. The Enormous Turnip (First Reading Level Three)7 `6 M; w; f4 a1 t0 w+ ~
10. The Three Little Pigs (First Reading Level Three)
' K) t% g8 d& `1 q11. The Little Red Hen (First Reading Level Three)  n1 n* {/ ?) ]) x  B) ~) t
12. The Gingerbread Man (First Reading Level Three4 L7 c! M* }: r7 X7 j4 b; {
13. The Magic Porridge Pot (First Reading Level Three
7 [: b# k2 n5 m14. The Leopard and the Sky God (First Reading Level Three)7 H+ T; Y+ q, F: f4 p; l

0 O3 k9 k) I7 j; u  m* Z% t二、Usborne Young Reading系列16本
/ T+ |& [5 ?7 G) V$ s* ~# o3 }6 u$ L0 k& ^9 I- B! k9 R
15. The Tin Soldier (First Reading Level Four
; o2 E. A) u  D' t9 |2 s16. The Golden Carpet (First Reading Level Four
6 E: d4 V3 V* d' C17. The Runaway Pancake (First Reading Level Four)5 a2 H" ^: }, n- U) m
18. The Ugly Duckling (First Reading Level Four
, d/ A( e2 b! N! e# s19. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (First Reading Level Four)2 ^5 m- u" j0 `+ O. u1 _
20. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (First Reading Level Four)
# U% k1 t! z2 f' g+ e21. Little Red Riding Hood (First Reading Level Four)) ]7 Q' k; R! b$ l! m* n
22. The Reluctant Dragon (First Reading Level Four)
9 B" {& r4 ?6 K23. The Inch Prince (First Reading Level Four
& Y8 h& `5 ^4 D4 J2 t, [  s$ q24. The Emperor and the Nightingale (First Reading Level Four)9 |/ F2 o3 A' O& x
25. Androcles and the Lion (First Reading Level Four6 {! R* ~8 n3 S+ t
26. The Hare and the Tortoise (First Reading Level Four)
* p  \6 X8 K% [: z' W. Y27. Baba Yaga - The Flying Witch (First Reading Level Four/ `: P! g. P, ]! e& i  l# [7 d% x: i% F
28. The Owl and the Pussy Cat (First Reading Level Four
# I8 k6 j5 ]+ p5 N# a, t2 p29. Princess Polly and the pony (First Reading Level Four
; R( Z1 j" O  `% S: r5 @4 p30. Dick Whittington (First Reading Level Four
- C+ J0 J* B- z: G. J2 `. C. a, P
' E1 r  Q1 W: }/ w三、Usborne Young Reading系列20本
5 B0 ~& W! `, z! Z7 P+ f& C6 A% o8 \$ b6 H5 f
31. Cinderella (Young Reading Series One! [4 f/ \1 o. w5 t1 X0 l4 ~
32. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Young Reading Series One)
; r! O% ^$ k" t# u3 e6 R33. Saint George and the Dragon (Young Reading Series One)2 b$ U4 S' H! E. u
34. The Wooden Horse (Young Reading Series One
' b) w9 ?+ ]( C5 g, o. f. s9 O35. The Monkey King (Young Reading Series One)
0 x# ?3 l" C# T, S/ ^4 e! K36. Aladdin and his Magical Lamp (Young Reading Series One; K, o+ ?" g+ V6 P
37. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Young Reading Series One)7 ~4 ~* b1 x2 d! L* L
38. The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (Young Reading Series One6 |+ u$ d; x6 w: ?8 X: [  m- `) W
39. Jack and the Beanstalk (Young Reading Series One)
6 i! f0 }9 c& |* d2 p- a  _& s40. The Princess and the Pea (Young Reading Series One
% G8 n6 b  q; I4 Y41. The Little Mermaid (Young Reading Series One
4 a  h9 o, z- T42. The Nutcracker (Young Reading Series One
0 u+ o$ ?' B3 x0 `4 ~5 o; R+ I# p43. Puss in Boots (Young Reading Series One): c+ U; P" Q" R7 `) ]/ l
44. The Frog Prince (Young Reading Series One)- U. O) P( s8 K% }# Y8 a, E
45. Hansel and Gretel (Young Reading Series One), s$ K4 i* }9 P1 x
46. The Elves and the Shoemaker (Young Reading Series One)
& |" l& \+ P% o' E5 m' s. L" F+ U47. Rumpelstiltskin (Young Reading Series One)7 I3 t0 s3 {3 Y* P* T8 u+ q2 R
48. Rapunzel (Young Reading Series One5 ~  i  X, |7 @0 d5 @0 ]
49. Sleeping Beauty (Young Reading Series One)) R  t/ c. W4 E/ e- Z( d1 a
50. The runaway princess (Young Reading Series One)7 ^7 E; s' U9 R4 ~# Q. O1 w8 z

( I$ ^* m" h$ V7 U2 D& l
* ]: V& ?, g, d+ ~4 l下载:

9 p( P: {2 A, v链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WAwSa-C1ErTlDTDD7gqKOQ , [7 i1 m  @5 t* n5 U) l9 J
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我的第1+2图书馆点读版2 ^" t- Y$ c0 v, ]5 a
! ]' L8 l3 R8 x. ~1 Z3 Y
原版绘本:My First Read Along Library盒装30册9 A- K& F; m% p5 W
我的第三个图书馆The Usborne Reading Collection 40册' U5 {- H' \0 W
我的第四个图书馆The Usborne Reading Collection 40册原版盒装
% Y$ T; P' v0 M- ?+ {* n: x' e; C( H+ U( o( W  T# T6 ?

8 [% E% T" f9 e& c8 x% x相关内容推荐:+ U7 p3 _2 v4 \1 J* n2 }$ |- ^6 S( W
内裤超人历险记第一本PDF+MP33 J" j5 ~) \3 o) N, z: N+ l
Magic Tree House 神奇树屋配套练习册32本
: ~/ d) Y' _- x老鼠记者10本pdf+音频分享4 c" G/ {  `1 A. B9 U
Merriam-Webster's Visual Dictionary PDF 全彩高清扫描版9 D& f4 f' d7 Y3 M0 r- d
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 小屁孩日记1-13册 PDF+音频) X7 }5 }# j+ q* l9 M3 M

. Y- z7 @- ]# h# [& S- `9 o

7 h! e9 L% N/ j3 |# b' }. j9 H+ [3 {* a' J' i( x

6 t4 O# A( P8 X$ O$ V2 I
daniel588  评论于  2020-8-25 18:43:57
sueyiki  评论于  2020-8-28 22:09:43
zhurourou  评论于  2021-2-28 22:57:26
xia_yu_00  评论于  2021-3-15 12:41:03
poortogo  评论于  2021-4-8 16:26:56
ldww26  评论于  2021-4-8 17:11:47
iamcpd  评论于  2021-6-7 19:04:49
scilks  评论于  2021-6-8 01:23:35
超级Hibelle  评论于  2022-5-25 12:05:13
原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

