发表于: 2020-3-17 16:31:57

中级章节书Harriet the Spy《小间谍哈瑞特》电子书和音频百度云下载

作者简介:Louise Fitzhugh0 |  M) a5 P& V7 V" n
Louise Fitzhugh's children's books have been acclaimed as milestones of children's literature.《小间谍哈瑞特》在儿童文学历史上的地位非常特殊,它对于童年的成长和情感等问题诚实的写照感染了无数的读者,故事主角是一个拥有强烈的好奇心,而且非常聪明的女孩,她把她观察到的大人和同学的一言一行都记在自己的笔记本里,并加上自己率真的评论。当她的同学们发现了这个笔记本之后,他们给她冠上了“间谍”的称号,并开始集体排斥她……9 s+ F( B  j- H0 a1 w6 m' m

* b. {! s, O$ {  ~0 y0 s出版社: Yearling; Classic ed (2001年5月8日)* ~$ ~8 R/ R$ j" j6 }" {
平装: 320页  (比较厚)+ d% R# r% p% }3 L( i5 ^% a( N
语种: 英语% i9 q0 \. h3 P1 {0 R7 O0 G
5 Z% ~+ }: @% e  }4 Z

中级章节书Harriet the Spy《小间谍哈瑞特》电子书和音频百度云下载

' d5 G) H3 M. Y; [1 {
$ R" C2 I5 e! \+ q2 O, b/ wAge Range: 8 - 12 years
7 A/ V8 _: ~! D0 XGrade Level: 3 - 7# ~) e6 d+ x* l
Lexile: 760L  (蓝思)
; `3 D& o' ?+ J. E3 B% cLength: 6 hrs and 48 mins  (音频时长:6小时48分 分章节朗读)& U9 M: l. g4 i, f

+ Q! z% S( }% t- e  YHarriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Before she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she’s written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?6 D% ]% L1 Z, `4 \
3 d! Q- @# H5 s5 _5 j  p8 x( V: X
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4 f2 ~. l6 ~" F+ }
8 ~* |' q% a7 w
英语桥梁书&章节书 桥梁书 是引用西方国家书目上的 Bridging Books 概念,台湾翻译为 "桥梁书", 是一种针对低中年级孩子,带领他们从图像阅读,顺利跨入文字阅读。桥梁书的文字比绘本多、插图为辅、内容贴近孩子生活,不论是有趣或奇幻的故事,皆能寓教于乐。 群主: 香喷喷的臭豆腐

