灰太狼  发表于 2011-03-17 14:03:39| 27350 次查看 | 159 条回复
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 14:56:58
回复 灰太狼 的帖子

NHK 仙台:
    防衛相 午後は水投下やらない
    3月17日 13:25更新
    NHK: 北泽防卫大臣表示,正在考虑再做一次直升机空投水行动,配合(今天下午的)地面注水行动。
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 14:57:14
回复 灰太狼 的帖子

Japan says information on troubled nuke reactor to U.S. delayed
  TOKYO, March 17, Kyodo
  Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Thursday there had been a delay in passing information to the United States regarding the troubled reactors of a nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture.
  ''There was a slight delay conveying to the U.S. side the information about whether or not there is water'' in the pool holding spent fuel rods, Edano told a news conference.


1657010460  乏燃料棒辐射没有任何遮蔽,这个……  发表于 2011-3-17 14:57:50
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:30:26
回复 灰太狼 的帖子

豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:30:44
回复 灰太狼 的帖子

 @aaaa: even if larger amounts than expected reach the us west coast, it would still be WAY less than the amounts that were released in the 1960 from atmospheric nuclear testing in Nevada and which still deposited in the soil on the US west coast. Worry about those if about anything at all.
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:31:11
回复 灰太狼 的帖子

U.S. to fly spy plane over Fukushima nuclear plant for closer look | Kyodo News
    The U.S. military will operate a Global Hawk unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft over a stricken nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, possibly on Thursday, to take a closer look at its troubled reactors, a Japanese government source said Wednesday...
    by craigcac at 4:49 PM
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:32:53
TEPCO says power demand temporarily neared supply capacity for Thurs.
    by DIm at 4:55 PM
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:33:09
Japan's nuclear agency says it cannot confirm if water covering the spent fuel rods at reactor 4.
    by Reuters_MarkKolmar at 4:57 PM
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:33:25
@edi1969 the inner core is made of 16cm steel and has the control rods + water, this in a concrete structure which is the containment building. It can''t be ''moved'' like that, in Chernobyl they put concrete and sand to contain then built a concrete building around it.
    by Paus at 4:48 PM
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:33:41
Kyodo is reporting that the Japanese government has warned that an unpredictable massive blackout could occur in the Tokyo area from the evening through the night as power demand in the region has increased overnight due to dropping temperatures. Train operators have been asked to reduce the frequency of trains to save electricity.
    by Reuters_MarkKolmar at 5:08 PM
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-3-17 17:33:57
0825: Low concentrations of radioactive particles are heading eastwards from Fukushima towards North America, a Swedish official is quoted as saying by Reuters. Lars-Erik De Geer, research director at the Swedish Defence Research Institute, a government agency, was citing data from a network of international monitoring stations, but stressed the levels were not dangerous for people.