07文爸 [VIP会员]
9454 51
发表于: 2015-8-29 17:36:08
Panda Bear What Do You See_JYbooks音频0 `/ J9 t6 ?% m6 W$ O( F  d( X

' m5 i! Z2 W8 `* G1 q链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6N5bXS 密码:

8 ~  }: z1 z) n# O- b9 t* M3 z9 r9 z3 L" G& v

% v, V+ W4 L1 U


1 p# y  R  b! D2 f
' k( r7 d2 d8 x) X2 i' @

Panda Bear, Panda Bear, what do you see?

I see a bald eagle soaring by me.

Bald Eagle, Bald Eagle, what do you see?

4 t- |: d1 Z' s( }$ ]9 Z& s

I see a water buffalo charging by me.

Water Buffalo, Water Buffalo, what do you see?

* H; \8 a! p- I( x! I2 M

I see a spider monkey swinging by me.

Spider Monkey, Spider Monkey, what do you see?

  V1 B6 H( `4 s9 V' f

$ m, {( G: U7 F! ?8 m" W+ K- I
I see a green sea turtle swimming by me.

Green Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, what do you see?

1 h8 O* K& w* l- H: P/ ]3 _

I see a macaroni penguin strutting by me.

Macaroni Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, what do you see?

% D# @7 ~, ]# s  x9 {

& J' o# M7 w% R! G0 b7 {" D
I see a sea lino splashing by me.

Sea Lion, Sea Lion, what do you see?

9 J2 i1 }" Z; [4 {! ^3 P( f

I see a red wolf sneaking by me.

Red Wolf, Red Wolf, what do you see?

6 l/ I1 Z+ c4 e. M6 @2 Q

I see a whooping crane flying by me.

Whooping Crane, Whooping Crane, what do you see?

1 C2 T& _- J/ H6 |5 A; z

I see a black panther strolling by me.

Black Panther, Black Panther, what do you see?

% w: C2 O* Q; T+ m, ~' r

6 _$ \8 \4 Y- G$ m) b9 g& ~5 UI see a dreaming child watching over me.

Dreaming Child, Dreaming Child, what do you see?

  \* q3 v5 U8 E; c% N, B

- ~2 ?2 i& X! A+ e' c
I see...

a panda bear, a bald eagle, a water buffalo, a spider monkey, a green sea turtle, a macaroni penguin, a sea lion, a red wolf, a whooping crane, and a black panther...all wild and free --- that's what I see.

8 T# H/ S# ], V9 D. I/ X- R
winterson  评论于  2015-9-9 13:44:24
thank you for sharing
fantagelo  评论于  2015-9-10 14:40:44
sunww1999  评论于  2015-9-10 19:53:33
woshi123  评论于  2015-9-17 04:09:07
网上邻居1200  评论于  2015-9-21 16:20:12
张平  评论于  2015-9-24 09:54:43
sunzev  评论于  2015-9-30 14:48:47
very very good for share
echo7747  评论于  2015-9-30 22:54:26
龙门侠客  评论于  2015-10-1 09:56:13
i like the bear
JYbooks音频圈 什么是JY音频?首先Jy和 MJ是韩国两大英文出版集团,精选经典绘本,请美国人制作了大量的绘本歌唱版音频。最适合英语启蒙阶段的孩子听,语感韵律感强,朗朗上口。JY的音频一般一个绘本分5种 song, reading ,echo chant, kids song, melody. 读、说 、唱。 群主: 07文爸

