kxuq7665  发表于 2013-8-26 14:38:38| 2445 次查看 | 2 条回复


一.Choose the best answer.

1. —— What is_______ food in China?

A. most popular           B. popularest

C. the most popular         D. the popularest

2. The English teacher asked ________ to go to hisoffice.

A.I, Jim and Kate            B. Jim, Kate and I

C. Jim, Kate and me          D. me, Jim and Kate

3. —— Betty goes to the cinema once a month.

—— ________.

A. So I do       B. So do I    C. Do I so         D. I do so

4. Congratulations ________ you all ________ yoursuccess.

A. to; on     B. for;to        C. to; to       D. for; on

5. —— What’s the matter?

—— _______.

A. That’s all right            B. I have got a pen

C. I have got a cold           D. It doesn’t look well

6. —— What would you like to drink, girls?

—— _______, please.

A. Two cup of coffee                   B.Two cups of coffees

C. Two cups of coffee                   D.Two cup of coffees

7. What’s _______ way of saying TV?

A. other      B.others      C. the other           D. another

8. —— Will your mother_______ you if you ______ the Englishexam?

—— Of course not. Because I’m trying my best.

A. be angry with, don’t pass

B. be angry with, won’t pass

C. be angry to; don’t pass

D. be angry to; won’t pass

初二升初三英语入学考试.doc (77.5 KB, 下载次数: 93)

伍嗲翔  评论于  2013-8-26 14:40:02
春夏秋1989  评论于  2013-8-26 17:49:57