发表于: 2017-6-29 17:03:56

学乐语法练习册scholastic success with grammar Grade1-6高清电子档网盘下载打印

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美国教育特别重视阅读和写作。从小学开始,语文老师就会提供各种不同的阅读材料让学生阅读,然后根据阅读写作文章。阅读让人获取信息和知识,写作开启批判性思维。而语法是阅读和写作中必然要遇到的。Scholastic Success with Grammar《学乐英语语法练习册》为此而编写,用于强化和练习阅读和写作中的语法,内容包括:句型、动词时态、词性、主谓一致、普通名词和专有名词、标点符号、句子结构、大写规则、缩写等等。这套书,既适合学校作为补充练习,也适合在家辅导孩子自学。

' _- j# @4 i3 m4 z0 Y 学乐语法练习册scholastic success with grammar Grade1-6高清电子档网盘下载打印 & G5 N( F% D9 G5 Z; Y1 z$ R8 e0 G
“Nothing Succeeds Like Success.” — Alexandre Dumas the Elder, 1854" W; }; X+ o9 f, _+ ?1 a8 N! ~
And no other resource boosts kids’ grammar skills like Scholastic Success With Grammar! For classroom or at-home use, this exciting series for kids in grades 1 through 5 provides invaluable reinforcement and practice in grammar topics such as:$ }# o% x6 V- [4 Q9 d2 j
◆ sentence types ◆ verb tenses
1 j' z' H$ X7 b+ h/ A6 F◆ parts of speech ◆ subject-verb agreement
, ~. K, K5 [. D8 Y) j◆ common and proper nouns ◆punctuation8 D( M! R9 p( M$ P$ W: v! q2 w
◆ sentence structure ◆capitalization  h8 g  U2 I6 `3 H
◆ contractions        and more!1 K7 A" ?3 q0 }4 x  X) C- ]

" k# ^2 D4 _; G* lThis 64-page book contains loads of clever practice pages to keep kids challenged and excited as they strengthen the grammar skills they need to read and write well.
( h: ^* G. l& iYou’ll also find lots of assessment sheets that give kids realistic practice in taking standardized tests — and help you see their progress!
1 R" f: [. g9 H
2 A; Z4 R1 T* b' Q: Q% O* h5 iWhat makes Scholastic Success With Grammar so solid?
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1 t8 @% G- X& X* J/ `! q0 g作者简介5 L5 y4 ^4 N) ~$ V7 ^" h0 }
美国学乐教育集团1920年成立于美国纽约,是全球知名的儿童图书和多媒体软件的出版和发行商。90多年来,学乐始终致力于发展儿童英语教育,因此被美国教育界推崇为“教育界值得信赖的品牌”。学乐的宗旨是“帮助全球儿童更好地阅读和学习”。: {* j; T$ s$ u# i; L
" y9 t+ O$ b. U! u7 r# m每年,学乐发行超过3亿2千万册图书,使用45种不同语言,畅销150个国家和地区。学乐不仅出版了迄今为止非常畅销的儿童书籍《Harry Potter哈利•波特》和《Hunger Game饥饿游戏》系列,更为全世界儿童带来众多在国际上屡获殊荣的优秀图书。 其中包括著名的《I SPY 视觉大发现》、《Clifford the Big Red Dog大红狗克里夫系列丛书》、《Goosebumps鸡皮疙瘩》、《Magic School Bus神奇校车》等。+ Y+ y# t3 v$ ~! k- s7 l$ [2 F
2 Q  I5 u4 l8 B% Z, Q9 Z$ G
Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) was founded in 1920 as a single classroom magazine. Today, Scholastic books and educational materials are in tens of thousands of schools and tens of millions of homes worldwide, helping to Open a World of Possible for children across the globe.
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妮妮宝贝Claire  评论于  2017-9-2 13:28:52
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团子妈妈cici  评论于  2018-1-31 15:33:36
ciwei  评论于  2018-3-30 15:20:08
elevenzxy  评论于  2018-5-30 22:01:48
apriljn  评论于  2018-9-26 10:56:09
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