
If Your Child Ever Sits in This Position, Stop Them Immediately

已有 2425 次阅读2016-1-9 16:48

Paying attention to how your child or grandchild sits is more important than you may think. It turns out the popular "W" sitting position can be detrimental to a child's development later on in life. Why, you ask?

If Your Child Ever Sits in This Position, Stop Them Immediately© Provided by Woman's Day If Your Child Ever Sits in This Position, Stop Them Immediately

Well, according to the Pediatric Therapy Center, children who continue sitting in this position after their 2nd birthday may not properly develop the core strength and balance they need for certain motor skills, like jumping and running. It may also leave muscles tight in the legs, hips, and ankles, as well as possibly leading to a hip dislocation.


Not only that, but extensive use of this sitting position could leave your child "pigeon-toed," meaning they walk with their toes turned in. 

To prevent these negative effects from happening, it's important to be vigilant with your child about sitting in safe positions such as cross-legged, side-sitting, or even long-sitting, which puts a child's legs out in front of them. 

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