
10-Year-Old's Angry Letter to Parents About Santa: You 'Broke My Heart'

已有 4605 次阅读2015-12-26 16:51 | struggle, extent, result, about, truth

The struggle is real for a precocious 10-year-old girl who learned the truth about Santa and became furious with her parents as a result — so furious that she wrote them a fiery note outlining the extent of their betrayal.

In a Facebook post from Dec. 10, Maryland mom Nicki Adams shared a handwritten note from her daughter Belle, explaining in the caption that the 10-year-old had been asking “every day” for the truth about Santa. “So we were truthful,” wrote Adams, “And she may never speak to us again.” The resulting note, which Belle slid under her parents’ door, read as follows:

“You have no idea what you just did. I really tried to believe. Everyone told me it’s your parents (bringing presents, not Santa). I can’t believe you anymore. Is the Easter bunny real? How ‘bout the tooth fairy, huh? You just ruined a 10-year-old child’s LIFE. Thanks. Nothing will make me feel better.”

The news was almost too much for Belle, who then wrote, “You lied to me about something I loved that broke my heart." 

The kicker, though, was A hand-drawn fist which she hashtagged #MiddleFingerEmoji.

The drawings caused her parents to "lose their ever-loving sh*t,” according to Adams’s Facebook post. 







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