
Doctors Warn Pregnant Women To Be More Active

已有 947 次阅读2015-12-2 20:17 | pregnancy, fitness, through, advise, reason

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Going through a pregnancy is no reason to give up on your fitness routine, doctors advise. According to NBC News, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) sent out guidelines to doctors encouraging them to remind expectant mothers to continue to be mindful of their fitness routines throughout their pregnancies.

"Pregnancy should not be looked at as a state of confinement," added Dr. Raul Artal, chairman emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology at St. Louis University, who led the guidelines team. "In fact, it is an ideal time for lifestyle modification. That is because more than any other time in her life, a pregnant woman has the most available access to medical care and supervision."

Doctors advise jogging and yoga as safe ways to maintain good health while pregnant.

According to the Center for Disease Control, nearly half of all women gain too much weightduring their pregnancies, which may lead to health issues that could impact women for the rest of their lives.

Overweight pregnant women may suffer stress from heart problems, gestational diabetes and are more likely to need cesarean sections. Obesity during a pregnancy is linked to higher rates of miscarriage, premature birth and babies with birth defects, the ACOG guidelines shared.

Expecting moms can reduce the stress of child rearing by taking better care of their health. The ACOG guidelines suggested continuing any exercise routines with the exception of contact sports, skiing and scuba diving. After the first trimEster, expectant moms are warned to avoid exercises that require them to lay on their back.






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