
Top 2015 baby names inspired by Instagram, 'Empire'

已有 2564 次阅读2015-12-1 23:16 | several, names, queen, baby, 2014

© Provided by USA Today

Jackson and Sophia may be the long-reigning king and queen of baby names, but this year they're accompanied by Royalty… literally.

The gender-neutral name Royalty is up 90% in 2015, as are other regal names like Duchess (up 75% from 2014) Reign (up 54%) and Sultan (up 25%). Palace-ready monikers are one of several baby name trends reported by BabyCenter, a pregnancy and parenting online resource.

Other fascinating trends include a rise in names of Instagram filters (yes, really), names of space and planets, names of characters in the TV show Empireand gender-neutral names, BabyCenter found by crunching numbers on the names of 340,000 babies born in 2015 to moms registered on their website.

The Social Security Administration releases its official list in May.

The top-10 list produced from BabyCenter's data was a bit less inspiring. Sophia topped the list for the 6th year in a row, and Jackson was No. 1 for the third time in a row. Sophia, Emma and Olivia have been the three most popular girl names for four years in a row.

"Sophia has been a powerhouse for six years, thanks to the variety of spelling options and the multi-ethnic, multi-language appeal of the name," Linda Murray, BabyCenter's editor in chief, said in a statement. She predicts Jackson will have less staying power.

Top 10 2015 names for girls:

1. Sophia

2. Emma

3. Olivia

4. Ava

5. Mia

6. Isabella

7. Zoe

8. Lily

9. Emily

10. Madison

Top 10 2015 names for boys:

1. Jackson

2. Aiden

3. Liam

4. Lucas

5. Noah

6. Mason

7. Ethan

8. Caden

9. Logan

10. Jacob

While droves of parents are Instagramming sepia-toned versions of their precious Emma, Ava, Aiden and Mason, others have taken the social photo site a bit more literally when it comes to baby names.

Instagram filter-inspired baby names that gained popularity in 2015 included Lux (up 75% since 2014), Ludwig (up 42%) and Amaro (up 26%) for boys, and Valencia (up 26%) and Juno (up 30%) for girls.

As per usual, popular TV shows impacted baby names as well. While last year's top-rising names were based on Netflix shows House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, this year's most inspiring show was Empire. Names from the show's family boomed: Dre was up 77%, Lyon grew 6% and Hakeem was up 55%. The name Lucious returned to the list for the first time in three years. 

And parents-to-be seemingly took notice of 2015's many space discoveries. Venus is up 68%, Jupiter is up 50%, Sunny is up 43% for boys and 18% for girls.






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