
Names of Kids Most Likely to Be Naughty (or Nice)

已有 1038 次阅读2015-11-26 16:17 | supplies, released, schools, company, annual

Santa’s making his list and checking it twice – and if your kids are named Anna, Courtney, Harry or Ryan, there’s a good chance they’ve landed in the nice column.

School Stickers, a UK company that supplies schools with stickers, postcards and certificates to reward good behavior, released their annual “Naughty or Nice Names List” on Tuesday, revealing the names of the most well-behaved kids of 2015 — as well as the year’s biggest troublemakers.

According to the study, which analyzed who got the most (and least) reward stickers for good behavior among more than 70,000 students, girls named Anna, Courtney, Millie, and Mia are the most likely to be “nice.” On the boys’ side, parents can expect good behavior out of Harry, Ryan, Ethan, and Lewis.

But on the naughty list, girls named Leah, Eleanor, Jasmine, and Abigail took the top spots. Boys named Joseph, James, and Joshua were found to make the most mischief.

Here’s the full list:

The nicest and naughtiest names, according to School Stickers. (Photo: Yahoo Parenting)

Of course, not all Leahs and Josephs are destined for a stocking full of coal. “There are many children called Leah and Joseph who are perfect little angels,” Neil Hodges, managing director of School Stickers, says in a press release. “Just as there are many called Harry and Anna who Santa is watching.”






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