
'So Fierce': Barbie Features Boy in New Ad

已有 808 次阅读2015-11-20 14:26

A new commercial for a limited-edition Barbie doll features a young boy proclaiming that the doll is "so fierce."

The Moschino Barbie was created as part of a Mattel partnership with the Italian designer.

Moschino noted in an Instagram post that the move to feature a boy in a Barbie commercial marks a first for Mattel.

While many praised the move on social media, others noted that the little boy was perpetuating "stereotypes" of gay men.

In the past few years, the company has aimed to break stereotypes, but those attempts haven't always been successful.

The maker of Barbie was criticized in 2014, for the paperback Barbie: I Can Be A Computer Engineer, which many called sexist because Barbie requires the help of two male friends to solve her computer problems.

The new advertisement seeks to break gender-normative stereotypes of what toys are appropriate for boys and girls. And the advertisement may be paying off. The limited-edition Barbie doll sold out within an hour of its launch, Moschino designer Jeremy Scott, said last Tuesday in an Instagram post, the International Business Times reported.






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