
Huggies in Hot Water For Allegedly Photoshopping Baby Thigh Gap

热度 2已有 1015 次阅读2015-10-31 17:29

When Melody, a mom of an 11-month-old daughter was served an ad for Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers, something struck her. No, it wasn't the idea that Google always seems to know what you're shopping for, though that could have been a factor. She was totally taken aback by the legs of the baby model, which, if you look closely look a little, err, edited.

She posted the image on Reddit, asking users: "Is it just me or did this Huggies ad photoshop thigh gap on a toddler?"

"The picture looked manipulated," Melody, who would rather not reveal her last name, told Yahoo Parenting. "Really manipulated-like what you see in fashion magazines to make models too thin and too perfect."

"I just felt like there's no need for airbrushing to exist on an ad about babies. All babies are wonderful and super cute. A baby is perfect no matter what," the California mom added. "I mean, don't we love our babies no matter how they look? This ad was not cool."

Most of the reddit community agreed with her, chiming in that there was definitely something off about the tyke.

"How icky, changing a baby's body!" remarked one writer. "The shaming begins that early, ugh."

If indeed there was any intentional editing going on, Melody, and the online community both make valid points.

Huggies spokesperson Terry Balluck responded to the backlash in a statement saying, "We always use real-life customers and users of our products, and do not airbrush the bodies of the babies in our advertising and photography."

"All babies are different. We look to celebrate those differences and everyday real-life tests and messes in our photography and communication," but Balluck did add that the Huggies doesn't sell the Little Movers directly anymore, and he can't speak for the "practices of the third-party sellers."

Sounds like someone's also convinced that there was some sloppy airbrushing going on here.

Either way, it doesn't seem like we'll need to stage a massive Huggies boycott, but to the alleged third-party vendor, please leave those perfectly chubby, squishy, delicious, baby thighs alone. And while you're at it, steer clear of grown-up thighs too. They're also perfect just the way they are.







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回复 hamking 2015-11-1 03:52

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