
July 30, 2015

热度 1已有 5947 次阅读2015-7-30 09:23

From this morning, I guide Kaisen to read the book of My Very First Mother Goose.

We finished listening to the audio files from 1 to 10 on Jiliwala website with some pictures. Then I tell each story for him to help him understand the main idea of them. I try to add some humor into the story plots and he will have more deep impression.

After breasfast, I let him read after me sentence by sentence. Each time we finished reading one story, we play make-believe games and Kaisen likes it. We played 3 stories Jakc and Jill, Shoo fly and Down by the station. Especially in Shoo fly, Kaisen asked me to play a fly, I think it's really creative. We are both happy.







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