
How to start the journey of kid's early learning education in English

已有 1149 次阅读2015-6-20 22:15 | education, learning, journey, English, start

I actually have read lots and lots of articles regarding the early learing education in English, and got tired to some extent.

Generally, many parents like to compare which material will be better, and which author will be more persuative, I am among them, but potentially I could not totally be with them, why? Because I know my kid, I know his favor, his anger, his smile and definitely his tears, I then need to find the exact resource for my kid, not anybody else. Yes, what I am looking for is not a 'best material', and not a 'bestseller'. What I am searching is the one for my kid, it could be a book, a song or something like that.

I recently got one, well, hesitate to say that I have found my desired one, but close to it, that is, Liao Caixing's book <Listen to what your ears tell you about English>(I just personally interpret her book's title, just for fun, nothing else). I like it because it tells me how to catch up with the kid's grown-up, physically and mentally, I like the thinking of hers and will do the 'research' of mine. Hope to have my own coming up soon.






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