

已有 1702 次阅读2016-9-7 11:54

1.doctor maisy
2.maisy bathtime
3.maisy dresses up
4.maisy drives the bus
5.maisy goes camping
6.maisy goes on a sleepover
7.maisy goes on holiday
8.maisy goes shopping
9.maisy goes to  the museum
10.maisy goes to hospital
11.maisy goes to nursery
12.maisy goes to the city
13.maisy goes to the library
14.maisy makes gingerbread
15.maisy makes lemonade
16.maisy pool
17.maisy thanksgiving
18.maisy tidies up
19.maisy,charley and the wobbly tooth
20.maisy's bedtime
21.maisy's christmas eve
22.maisy's valentine


.Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

2.Pigeon Finds a Hotdog!

3.The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?

4.Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!

5.The Pigeon Wants a Puppy

6.The Pigeon Needs a Bath

【3】Eric Hill Spot 小玻原版绘本7本分册+合集

Spot Can Count

Spot stays overnight

Spot goes to the farm

Spot goes to the park

Spot goes to a party

Spot goes on holiday

Spot Birthday party

【4】牛津Oxford potato pals小土豆点读版【分册+合集】

Potato Pals 1:第一阶段
1:Potato Pals 1A-in the morning在清晨
2:Potato Pals 1B-at school在学校
3:Potato Pals 1C-at park在公园
4:Potato Pals 1D-at home在家
5:Potato Pals 1E-good friends好朋友
6:Potato Pals 1F-in the evening在傍晚

Potato Pals 2:第二阶段
1:Potato Pals 2A-at the store在商店 
2:Potato Pals 2B-on a camping trip野营
3:Potato Pals 2C-in town在城镇
4:Potato Pals 2D-at the beach在海滩
5:Potato Pals 2E-at the zoo在动物园
6:Potato Pals 2F-on the farm在农场

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