和孩子一起读英文绘本,是一次有趣的自我学习之旅,从天文到地理,从猛兽到昆虫,一起和孩子在知识的海洋里畅游,这样的感觉实在太美好了。《Creep Crawly Calypso》绘本就给大家提供了一个和孩子一起探索的平台,文中用精彩分呈的喧闹乐队来为我们呈现一出英文盛宴,十种昆虫,分别伴奏不同的乐器,他们用歌唱的形式和我们一起学习英文,孩子的注意力一定会被吸引到这里。
If you like good music, if you want a treat,
Just hear these creepy crawlies, play their cool calypso beat.
First comes the spider, banging steel drums
Second come the butterflies, with accordions,
Third come the cockroaches, playing saxophones.
Fourth come the dragonflies, blowing their trombones.
Fifth come the fireflies, with brasstrumpets to toot.
Sixth come the army ants, bearing tiny flutes.
Seventh come the ladybugs, strumming their guitars.
Eighth come the crickets, the band’s marimba stars.
Ninth come the beetles, beating congas loudly.
Tenth come the centipedes, tinkling pianos proudly.
For any kind of party, at any time of day,
The creepy crawly calypso is the best music to play!